A Quick introduction to Hunter

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Hunter is a easy-to-use and easy-to-integrate dependency manager for C++ projects that run CMake. It works entirely from within CMake, so you don't need any extra software. Once your project is integrated with Hunter, contributors can clone your repository and immediately start working. During CMake's configuration step all dependencies will be downloaded and built from source. This makes your project 100% independent of system libraries (other than the system's standard-library/libc)

Alternate dependency managment strategies


ExternalProjectAdd() is a functionality built into CMake itself and will build 3rd party projects in parallel to your own project. It allows for custom build/install instructions and can support non-CMake based dependencies. It will fetch source code from URL's / git and is very flexible but it has some serious drawbacks. Libraries are added by using find_package() and then juggling the CMake variables you get back.

The reality is that it only works out-of-the-box for header-only libraries. Because everything is built at once, if you need to link to a library depedency, the lib won't actually exit during the configuration step so your configuration will fail. (the file will only be created after the build step) You can hack CMake so that you configure and build your dependencies first, and then configure and build your parent project - but for some reason CMake doesn't support this normally. Almost every extra dependency requires a tweaked hack and the solution is messy and hard to maintain.


A better solution (for dependencies that use CMake) is to put them in a git-submodule. This is described in more detail in this blog, but typically your dependencies will live in a folder like /contrib/ or /externals/ and are directly linked to other repositories and don't bloat your own codebase. The submodule can be pinned to a commit or it can track a branch/tag so you get the latest changes. To use the submodule you simply add its top-level CMakeLists.txt directory with add_subdirectory() - just like it was another folder in your project - and then the submodule's targets become available directly for you to link with. This is a very clean solution because:

1: It allows you to never worry about include directories (when you use target_link_libraries() to link a target library CMake will automatically include not only its own public headers but also headers of secondary dependencies when necessary)

2: Not have to deal with CMake variables or directory paths which you would get using find_package().

But in a large project you will quickly hit some issues:

1: Many dependencies are not setup to be used as CMake subdirectories. Variables such as the project-version-number get overwritten by the parent project and more dangerously the submodule can start to change variables in the overall project. Best case your configuration will crash, worst case you will start to get strange behavior that will go unnoticed.

2: Dependencies will often reuse target names. For instance, several popular libraries have a target called uninstall. Because redeclaring a target in a different subdirectory is a no-no and CMake will crash.

a bigger pervasive issue.. DRY

The last issue affect both solutions and has no adequate fix in vanilla CMake. Mutliple libraries will share dependencies, especially with common libraries like zlib. Sometimes you will see a library simply build its own copy of zlib without asking, sometimes you can override it - but what you end up with is a final binary that has multiple linked zlib's - typically at different version numbers! This usually works fine, but is undefined behavior. The linker doesn't have mechanisms for managing this. Not only is this sloppy, but the more libraries you have the more this becomes a potential issue.

The Hunter fixes

Dependencies are built at configuration time: Hunter will download the source and build all your dependencies during configuration time.

Dependencies are built independently: Each dependency is configured/built/installed independently and the only thing they inherit from the parent project is the toolchain file you passed in at the command line. (the source, build and install directories are in a hidden folder which you never have to touch and won't affect the rest of your system)

Dependencies export their targets in namespaces: Even though dependency targets are installed at configuration time, they still get exported to the parent project. So you do not have to revert to the usual post-install find_package() way of dealing with CMake variables and include paths. All the dependency targets remain available to the parent project but are namespaced in a PROJECT::TARGET pattern to avoid the target name collisions we had in the git-submodule case. So for instance Boost's target filesystem will now be Boost::filesystem.

Dependencies share their own dependencies: If two dependencies need zlib then Hunter will install just one zlib and link both dependencies to it

Note: This is a good time to mention a major draw-back of using Hunter. As you can probably guess at this point, making a dependency work with Hunter requires making some changes that tell Hunter what libraries it needs. Fortunately Hunterized versions of most commonly used libraries are available on their website

Integrating Hunter

Adding Hunter to an existing project is actually pretty easy. Hunter is split into two parts. A small gate file which seems to define all Hunter's CMake functions, and the Hunter archive which holds all the information about the dependencies (hashes,urls,version-numbers,etc.). Copy the gate file /cmake/HunterGate.cmake from their repository into your own project directory and then you can load Hunter and its archive in 2 lines at the top of your CMakeLists.txt (be sure it's before the project(ProjectName) line):

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)

# HUNTER dependencency manager
    URL "https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/archive/v0.19.240.tar.gz"
    SHA1 "aa3cd9c45391d8bd14441971b00a43c05d40347c"


The third line here loads a particular version of the archive so you don't have to worry about the archive being change from under you. More recent versions are available at:https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/releases and as you can see they are updated every few day as new versions of different libraries come out. The gate file in contrast is pretty stable.

Adding dependencies

Now that we have Hunter in our project we want to add dependencies. This turns out to be a quick ttwo lines of code. Before Hunter we'd look for system libraries and then get the resulting variable to link it in to our code

target_link_libraries(OurTarget ${Boost_Lib_Pack})

Now you just tell Hunter to get Boost with the components we want and we link directly to the targets

hunter_add_package(Boost COMPONENTS chrono date_time filesystem regex system thread)
find_package(Boost CONFIG REQUIRED chrono date_time filesystem regex system thread)
target_link_libraries(OurTarget Boost::chrono Boost::date_time Boost::filesystem Boost::regex Boost::system Boost::thread)

And that's it! When you run cmake on your project, Boost will get downloaded on to your system and built. We get to tell CMake which parts we want to link to explicitly and we now only deal with targets and no messy CMake variables.

Customizing dependencies

So far everything is working great and it's about on-par with linking to system libraries. The build is repeatable and should work on any system you throw it on. But it would be nice to have a bit more control over the dependencies. We still haven't really addressed what version are the dependencies being built at and what build flags they use. Often libraries, like OpenCV and Boost will have dozens of components and features that we can toggled. These are all controlled with CMake variables that get passed in during configuration, either on the command line cmake -DOPTION1=ON/OFF or in a cmake GUI. When you use a git-submodule you can declare these variables in the parent project and they would toggle things in the subdirectory, but as I said before, Hunter builds things separately and doesn't pass anything between parent project and dependency (except for the toolchain file). So Hunter has a separate dependency configuration file /cmake/Hunter/config.cmake (it's optional). This file simply has a list of lines reading hunter_config({dependency name} {version number} CMAKE_ARGS {...list of cmake args you would pass in at the command line...). Some examples:


The versions can either be found on the hunterized repository or more conveniently in the archive itself. For instance if we look at the OpenCV archive definition file: https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/blob/master/cmake/projects/OpenCV/hunter.cmake We can see multiple versions that have the p suffix (which I think indicates a hunterized branch of the original).

Toolchain files

There is one caveat to configuration - often project will provide flags for selecting if you want to make a shared library, or a static one (and other things of that sort). I would strongly urge not playing with these setting. Everything that can be specified in the toolchain file should be in the toolchain file b/c as mentioned a couple of times, the only part that is passed from your parent project to the dependencies is the toolchain file. That means that your project and all it's dependencies will be built with the same exact tools and with the same build flags. If you start forcing contradictory things in your configurations, I'm not really sure what the result will be. Keeping everything in the toolchain file is great for consistency and for trying out different configurations for your whole "stack". If you want to rebuild everything with debug information it's a simple toolchain file swap away. If you want to build for a different platform, compiler, strip all the symbols, etc. all can be quickly done with a change of a toolchain. Because toolchain files are a bit tricky to write, the Hunter maintainer has a separate project that maintains toolchains called Polly. I recommend cloning the repository and looking at the different toolchains files. They're organized in a very modular way which makes modifying and creating your own toolchains less scary and almost painless.

Files living on your system

The last big question that arises is, for instance, if you build with debug information turned on and then switch to building release, is all your debug build information lost? Will you have to rebuild everything again when you build debug again? The answer is no. All dependency source/build/installs are cached in a special central system directory (on Linux it's in /home/username/.hunter/ and on Windows you need to set it manually). They're saved with a hash based on the version number, configuration flags and toolchain used. So as long as you use the same version/configuration/toolchain on a dependency the build will get reused. However if you play around with a lot of flags you may quickly find your disk space disappearing! So it can be good to periodically delete the directory and just start the cache from scratch.

Adding unsupported projects

While the Hunter has pretty much every commonly used dependency - sometimes you will need to add something else. This part I don't really have a good grasp of and the process of forking the Hunter archive and adding a dependency is a bit confusing to me. If you have control over the dependency (it's another library you are working on or are comfortable forking and maintaining) then I suggest ensuring the target names don't collide and just using it as subdirectory. As a subdirectory you can still use Hunter inside of it to manage secondary dependencies so you will still get the benefit of avoid double-linking issues.

Author: George Kontsevich

Created: 2019-07-25 Thu 11:01
