| (this space intentionally left almost blank) | |||||||||||||||||||||
JavaFX is used through the fn-fx
library. When the application is run through is for making plots and other pretty SVG things FranzXaver is for converting the output SVGs to something that can be put into a Group in JavaFX. | (ns asparapiss.core (:require [asparapiss.math :as math] [asparapiss.plot :as plot] [fn-fx.fx-dom :as dom] ;; The JavaFX libraries [fn-fx.diff :refer [component defui render should-update?]] [fn-fx.controls :as ui])) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Globals | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(def main-font (ui/font :family "Helvetica" :size 20)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Event Handler | ||||||||||||||||||||||
This is the event handler multimethod through which all events go through. It will 'switch' on the :event key | (defmulti handle-event (fn [state event] (:event event))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
ClickyGraphThe area of the window where you click to add point. The points are accumulated into the state map and are then are used to generate a plot | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defui ClickyGraph (render [this {:keys [width height points degree]}] (ui/pane :on-mouse-pressed {:event :mouse-click ;; this part is black-magic :fn-fx/include {:fn-fx/event #{:x :y}}} :children [(plot/plot-points points degree width height)]))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defmethod handle-event :mouse-click [state {:keys [fn-fx/includes]}] (let [{:keys [x y]} (:fn-fx/event includes)] (cond (and (> x 0) (> y 0)) (update-in state [:points] conj [x y]) :else state))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
MainWindowthe root node of the scene-graph. It will track the scene size and redraw the plot when it changes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defui MainWindow (render [this args];{:keys [points]}] (ui/v-box :id ::graph :style "-fx-base: rgb(255, 255, 255); -fx-focus-color: transparent;" :listen/height {:event :resize-height ;; more black-magic :fn-fx/include {::graph #{:height}}} :listen/width {:event :resize-width :fn-fx/include {::graph #{:width}}} :children [(ui/slider :id ::degree-spinner :min 0 :max (double (count (:points args))) :show-tick-marks true :show-tick-labels true :major-tick-unit 1 :block-increment 1 :value (:degree args) :listen/value {:event :change-degree ;; more black-magic :fn-fx/include {::degree-spinner #{:value}}} ) (clicky-graph args)]))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defmethod handle-event :resize-width [state {:keys [fn-fx/includes]}] (assoc-in state [:width] (get-in includes [::graph :width]))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defmethod handle-event :resize-height [state {:keys [fn-fx/includes]}] (assoc-in state [:height] (get-in includes [::graph :height]))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defmethod handle-event :change-degree [state {:keys [fn-fx/includes]}] (assoc-in state [:degree] (get-in includes [::degree-spinner :value]))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Stagethe JavaFX top level container that stands for a window The stage has a scene container for all content ie. a scene-graph of nodes. Each Stage/Window displays one scene at a time | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(defui Stage (render [this args] (ui/stage :title "Asparapiss" :shown true :scene (ui/scene :root (main-window args))))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Launching fn-fx
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
This is where we initialize the whole fn-fx monster | (defn -main [] (let [data-state (atom {:width 500.0 :height 500.0 :points [];[[0 0][100 100][200 200]] :degree 0}) handler-fn (fn [event] (try (swap! data-state handle-event event) (catch Throwable ex (println ex)))) ui-state (agent (dom/app (stage @data-state) handler-fn))] (add-watch data-state :ui (fn [_ _ _ _] (send ui-state (fn [old-ui] (try (dom/update-app old-ui (stage @data-state)) (catch Throwable ex (println ex))))))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
(ns asparapiss.math (:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math] [clojure.core.matrix :as matrix] [clojure.core.matrix.linear :as matrix-linear])) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Vandermonde MatrixWe want to solve for a polynomial that will fit all the given points | ||||||||||||||||||||||
set the core.matrix backend | (matrix/set-current-implementation :vectorz) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Take a vector of numbers [a b c d ..] and makes an indexed-pair version [[0 a] [1 b] [2 c] [3 d] ..] the polynomial for each point is of the form: a0 + a1 x + a2 x^2 + a3 x^3 + ... = y So given an x we need to generate the polynomials x, x^2, x^3 ... | (defn index-vector ([vector] (index-vector vector (count vector))) ([vector length] (map (fn [i] [i (get vector i)]) (range 0 length)))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Given an x, generate a vector of [x x^2 x^3 .. x^LENGTH] | (defn polynomial-vector [x length] (map #(math/expt x %) (range 0 length))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Wrapper for the previous function that puts it in a row-matrix | (defn polynomial-row [x length] (matrix/row-matrix (polynomial-vector x length))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Take a vector of x's and build a vandermonde matrix of polynomials of a given degree. By default the degree matches the number of points. ie. it's square | (defn vandermonde-matrix ([x] (vandermonde-matrix x (count x))) ([x degree] (let [vandermonde-rows (map #(polynomial-row % degree) x)] (matrix/matrix (reduce (fn [matrix next-row] (matrix/join matrix next-row)) vandermonde-rows))))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Given polynomial factors, return the polynomial function (ie. given x, returns y) polynomial factors : a0 a1 a2 a3 ... function returned: y = a0 +a1x + a2x^2 + a3x^3 ... | (defn polynomial-function [indexed-polynomial-factors] (fn [x] [x (reduce (fn [accumulated-value next-exponent] (+ accumulated-value (* (second next-exponent) (math/expt x (first next-exponent))))) 0 indexed-polynomial-factors)])) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Given several points, return a polynomial function (given an x, returns a y) | (defn fit-polynomial [points] (cond (empty? points) ;; degenerate case (fn [x] [x 0.0]) :else (let [xs (map first points) ys (map second points) polynomial-factors (matrix-linear/solve (vandermonde-matrix xs) (matrix/array ys)) indexed-polynomial-factors (-> polynomial-factors matrix/to-nested-vectors index-vector)] (polynomial-function indexed-polynomial-factors)))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Fit a polynomial of a given degree using a naiive least-squares solution of the form A^T*A=A^Tb | (defn least-squares-polynomial-unstable [points degree] (cond (< degree 1) ;; degenerate case (fn [x] [x 0.0]) :else (let [xs (map first points) ys (map second points) A (vandermonde-matrix xs degree) AT (matrix/transpose A) ATA (matrix/mmul AT A) ATb (matrix/to-vector (matrix/mmul AT (matrix/column-matrix ys))) polynomial-factors (matrix-linear/solve ATA ATb) indexed-polynomial-factors (-> polynomial-factors matrix/to-nested-vectors index-vector)] (polynomial-function indexed-polynomial-factors)))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Fit a polynomial of a given degree using a naiive least-squares solution of the form A^T*A=A^Tb | (defn least-squares-polynomial [points degree] (cond (< degree 1) ;; degenerate case (fn [x] [x 0.0]) :else (let [xs (map first points) ys (map second points) number-of-points (count points) A (vandermonde-matrix xs degree) AT (matrix/transpose A) I (matrix/identity-matrix number-of-points) zeroes (matrix/zero-matrix degree degree) first-block-row (matrix/join-along 1 I A) second-block-row (matrix/join-along 1 AT zeroes) least-squares-matrix (matrix/matrix (matrix/join-along 0 first-block-row second-block-row)) output-vector (matrix/to-vector (matrix/join (matrix/column-matrix ys) (matrix/zero-matrix degree 1))) solution (matrix-linear/solve least-squares-matrix output-vector) polynomial-factors (matrix/submatrix solution number-of-points degree 0 1) indexed-polynomial-factors (-> polynomial-factors matrix/to-nested-vectors index-vector) ] (polynomial-function indexed-polynomial-factors)))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
(ns asparapiss.plot (:require [asparapiss.math :as math] [asparapiss.svg2jfx :as svg2jfx] [ :as g] ;; The graphing libraires [ :as m] [ :as viz] [ :as svgthing])) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Given a size (WIDTH HEIGHT) the output spec describes how the plot looks. More detail are in geom-viz. The data has been left initialized | (defn plot-spec [points width height] {:x-axis (viz/linear-axis {:domain [0 width] :range [0 width] ;; puts the axis out of view (can't show the grid with no axis) :pos -100 :major 100 }) :y-axis (viz/linear-axis {:domain [0 height] :range [0 height] ;; puts the axis out of view (can't show the grid with no axis) :pos -100 :label-dist 0 :major 100 :label-style {:text-anchor "end"} }) :grid {:attribs {:stroke "#caa"} :minor-x false :minor-y false} :data [{:values nil :attribs {:fill "none" :stroke "#f60" :stroke-width 2.25} :shape (viz/svg-triangle-down 6) :layout viz/svg-scatter-plot} {:values nil :attribs {:fill "none" :stroke "#0af" :stroke-width 2.25} :layout viz/svg-line-plot} {:values nil :attribs {:fill "none" :stroke "#0ff" :stroke-width 2.25} :layout viz/svg-line-plot}]}) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Adds data (POINTS) to the spec and generates an SVG | (defn plot-points [points degree output-width output-height] (svg2jfx/svg-to-javafx-group (-> (plot-spec points output-width output-height) (assoc-in [:data 0 :values] points) (assoc-in [:data 1 :values] (map (math/least-squares-polynomial points degree) (range 10000))) (assoc-in [:data 2 :values] (map (math/least-squares-polynomial-unstable points degree) (range 10000))) (viz/svg-plot2d-cartesian) (#(svgthing/svg {:width output-width :height output-height} %)) (svgthing/serialize)))) | |||||||||||||||||||||
(ns asparapiss.svg2jfx (:import [afester.javafx.svg SvgLoader])) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Converting SVGs to JavaFX objectsTakes a string and turns it into an input stream | (defn string->stream ([s] (string->stream s "UTF-8")) ([s encoding] (-> s (.getBytes encoding) ( | |||||||||||||||||||||
Use the FranzXaver library to turn a string of XML describing an SVG into a JavaFX compatible Group Node (which shows up as a picture) This is using Batik under the hood somehow | (defn svg-to-javafx-group [svg-xml-string] (.loadSvg (SvgLoader.) (string->stream svg-xml-string))) | |||||||||||||||||||||